Have a waist line width can increase almost two-fold times the risk of early death even if the body mass index did not exceed the size of "normal". Therefore the results of new studies of more than 350,000 people across Europe, which broadcast Wednesday in the U.S. magazine New England Journal of Medicine.Studi gives strong evidence that the store excess fat around the waist cause major health risk, even in people who never considered excess body weight or obesity. Study states that the doctor must measure the patient's waist and their body mass index as part of their standard medical examination, said the researchers, from Imperial College London, German Institute of Human Nutrition, and other research institutions across Europe.
After the researchers to compare the object with a body mass index is the same, they declare the risk of early death increased with the increase line waist circumference. The risk of early death increased by almost two-fold in people with a wider waist size - more than 120 centimeters for men and more than 100 centimeters for women, compared with a subject that has a waist smaller (less than 80 centimeters for men and less than 65 centimeters for women).
Body mass index are usually used to assess whether someone has a weight of "normal". The addition of waist circumference every 5 cm increase the risk of death was 17% in men and 13% in women. Increased risk of death may be specifically related to the hoarding of fat around the waist circumference as a network of fat in areas that exclude cytokines, hormones and substances that are active metabolic who can give a donation for the development of chronic diseases, especially heart disease and cancer, said the author of the study.
After the researchers to compare the object with a body mass index is the same, they declare the risk of early death increased with the increase line waist circumference. The risk of early death increased by almost two-fold in people with a wider waist size - more than 120 centimeters for men and more than 100 centimeters for women, compared with a subject that has a waist smaller (less than 80 centimeters for men and less than 65 centimeters for women).
Body mass index are usually used to assess whether someone has a weight of "normal". The addition of waist circumference every 5 cm increase the risk of death was 17% in men and 13% in women. Increased risk of death may be specifically related to the hoarding of fat around the waist circumference as a network of fat in areas that exclude cytokines, hormones and substances that are active metabolic who can give a donation for the development of chronic diseases, especially heart disease and cancer, said the author of the study.
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