
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

That Healthy Breakfast

Perhaps many of us who often skip breakfast time. The reason for the classic, because it could not or was not overweight. In fact, breakfast was not making weight increased immediately. Thus with the breakfast, we have to help the body metabolism to work well throughout the day. Result, the body will round out the day.

According to research, people who take the time to be able breakfast can concentrate and perform its duties with a productive and flexible because it does not easily run out of energy. Conversely, if the body had not been given food at the time of launch day then metabolism will run slower, so the body does not burn fat the most.

Averse breakfast worry because fat? Response is incorrect. If the body is given the energy in the morning with breakfast, then we can set the appetite so it will not continue to feel hungry. So the desire to eat light food will decrease.

But keep in mind, we should not consume any food for the breakfast menu. The best option is boiled eggs because this is the best quality source of protein, iron and vitamin A as a steady energy throughout the day. Other alternative is fresh fruits, like apples or bananas can satiate the stomach until dinner time arrived.

If we want to consume milk for cereals pair, make sure that no fat. So also should select the bread made from wheat. Why? Because it is so much fiber can lower cholesterol. Scratch breakfast menu is a lot of cargo oil, sugar and fat because it is not healthy. So if to eat fried rice porridge should change with the plus boiled eggs or wheat bread, mixed with vegetables rather than butter and jelly.

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